Wo Wo Joe Coffee
Wo Wo Joe Coffee roasts Rare Direct Trade and Single Origin Coffees in East Texas. We know the farmers who raise our coffees and the farms where they grew it. As a family business, we respect and support farm family businesses, too.
Roasted by Texans with more than 20 years experience in coffee. Wo Wo Joe Coffee is available at select Texas and Louisiana locations.
Find out more - wowojoecoffee.com
PO B0X 1055 Longview TX. 45660

Wo Wo Joe Coffee
Focus Pocus - Lion's Mane - Skateboarder Approved Nootropic coffee
Mushroom coffee? Yep, and it's from Texas. FOCUS POCUS is a nootropic brew that blends a special Guatemalan coffee bean with Lion's Mane mushroom. Known for its positive effects aiding brain focus, Lion's Mane is the perfect companion for the caffeine. FOCUS POCUS has an eclectic following, from West Texas oil field workers to coders in Austin to Tarot card readers in New Orleans. Big, non-wimpy one-pound (16 oz.) bag of ground coffee, ready for your brewing pleasure.